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Candle in the wind

颱瘋 · 殆


Video documentation of performance; Sculpture

Candles that were measured to match the number of those killed in each of the typhoons across Hong Kong's history since 1960 were suspended over a grid and melted in a performance. 


After a typhoon in Hong Kong, public attention is often in less fortunate area, the storms tragically end lives. Those killed by typhoons are memorialized in this work by extinguished flames, the wax becoming a silent measurement of death toll data placed into a grid as a mathematical measurement. 

逐漸化在網格上的蠟燭高度經過測量,刻畫自1960年以來香港颱風所造成的死亡人數。 每次香港颱風過後,公眾注意力往往集中於經濟損失與個人不便,很快便忘記無形兇手帶來的傷痕。表演以熄滅的火焰焯念那些不幸的死者,熔化的蠟涷結在可量化的網格中,成為死亡數據的一種無聲描摹。

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